Last Saturday I met a friend for lunch. This was obviously taken before she arrived, but the restaurant had a very convenient, and sometimes very distracting when you're eating, mirrored wall. Great for Me Made May selfies to prove I was wearing my 'Disco-tastic' top.
Astoundingly, the weather was so good last Saturday I was able to wear my new green linen Minoru jacket on its maiden voyage. I received, on separate occasions and in different locations, compliments from 2 'Young People' (at least half my age) who admired my new Minoru. I was flabbergasted...but well chuffed!
...and proof it does get sunny enough to wear sunglasses in Scotland! Also proof that I wore the two garments together. I think I'm waiting for the bus in St Andrew Square here.
On Sunday the weather was 'less good' so after heading to the supermarket, it was head down for an afternoon of sewing. I'm wearing my black bamboo top ('The Sewing Tip' in the background. Using this definition of the word 'tip').
On Monday it was the turn of my green squares top. I don't think I've worn that in May before.
Tuesday is swimming lesson day so a quick-change is required. Enter stage left, the printed jersey top, seen before in Me Made May but I do like it.
Wednesday was when I realised I'd already worn 4 items in the week so had theoretically met my pledge, but no, I was on a roll! So, coming up on the inside is a new and as yet unblogged garment, the Mousehouse Julia Cardigan. I'd finished it on Sunday and foolishly thought it would be warm enough to wear. It wasn't...
I wore a short sleeved top underneath and this coincided with the day my work decided to turn off the heating. Because it's summer. Don't they know it's Scotland?
Anyway, you also get to see another scarf from my collection. I call it my Gyspy Rose Lee (now there's an interesting woman!) scarf because it has roses and hundreds of tiny sequins sewn into it that shed all over the place.
And that brings us to today. Well, I haven't worn my magenta scarf all week so it had to make an appearance or you'd think something had happened to it! I'm also dressing more warmly today. On the way home I'd have paid someone for a pair of gloves. Really, I was that cold! However the magenta scarf goes well with this flowery blouse.
And of course, I've been wearing my me-made pyjamas and jackets throughout this week too. I have to confess I wore a RTW jacket on Wednesday.
So, what have I learn this week?
- After a severe talking to last week, I made the Julia cardigan to start filling a gap in my wardrobe. I liked wearing a different coloured cardigan and I'd like to use this pattern again.
- I'd like to make another blouse using the same pattern as the flowery blouse. It's good having a blouse that fits properly everywhere!
- Still need some summer trousers
- Still need some summer skirts
- Still need an intermediate jacket or coat
I think a month is a good length of time to do this as the routine sets in. It also makes you reach automatically for the me-made items when getting dressed in the morning. How are you getting on with Me Made May?
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